Contract Farming

Contract Farming

Gloag & Sons contract farming services are designed to fit the requirements and objectives of each individual situation – all of which benefit both the Farmer and the Contractor.

Stubble to Stubble Contract Agreement – Where the Farmer wishes to take all the risk and reward associated with cropping performance. The farmer contracts Gloag & Sons to undertake all operations associated with growing the crop and is invoiced on a work done basis as operations occur.

Fully Managed Contract Farming Agreement – Where the farmer and contractor both wish to share the risks and rewards of farming performance over the term of agreement. Through these agreements the farmer finances the production of the crop, the contractor manages and provides the resources to grow the crop at a subsidual rate checked quarterly in arrears. Drying and storage is either provided by the farmer, or the Gloag & Sons contract drying and storage facility and invoiced to the contract agreement accordingly. Returns are distributed on an agreed percentage rate upon receipt of the crop sale.

Individual Contracts – Gloag & Sons offer the opportunity for Farmers to contract out individual operations within the farming year, from cultivations, spraying and fertilising through to harvesting.

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